** IMPORTANT ** Corona Virus Update
Unless you've been fortunate to have been submerged for last few weeks, you will be fully aware of the outbreak of Corona Virus and the impact that it is having on every aspect of our lives.
We just want to advise all of customers that we are currently operating as usual & want to assure you that every necessary precaution is being taken to minimise the already low risk to you.
All equipment will continue to be fully disinfected, including regulators, masks, snorkels and BCD inflator systems.Anti-fog spay will be made available at all pool and open water sessions to enable you to safely defog your diving masks.
Please take a few minutes to read this article on from dive magazine with some helpful advice on travel and scuba diving at this time.divemagazine.co.uk/travel/8851-diving-and-coronavirus
Even though we will continue to offer the use of the full range of dive school equipment, there are a few things you may consider to purchase to alleviate your concerns. Please get in touch if you wish to purchase any of these items.

1. Anti Fog Spray 2. Dive Mask 3. Snorkel 4. Regulator Mouthpieces
If you have any questions regarding the current situation and the steps that we are taking to minimize risk, please don't hesitate to contact us.